The English name of the anime "盾之勇者成名录" is "The Ris">




What is the English name of the anime "盾之勇者成名录"?


The English name of the anime "盾之勇者成名录" is "The Rising of the Shield Hero."

Why is it called "The Rising of the Shield Hero"?

It is called "The Rising of the Shield Hero" because the story revolves around the protagonist, who becomes the Shield Hero and rises to fame and prominence as a formidable warrior.

Is "The Rising of the Shield Hero" a popular anime?

Yes, "The Rising of the Shield Hero" has gained a significant following and is considered to be a popular anime among fans of the isekai and fantasy genres.

What makes "The Rising of the Shield Hero" popular?

One of the factors contributing to the anime's popularity is its unique premise, compelling character development, and intense action sequences. The plot twists and moral dilemmas faced by the characters also add depth to the story, making it a gripping and engaging watch for viewers.

Is "The Rising of the Shield Hero" based on a light novel or manga?

Yes, "The Rising of the Shield Hero" is based on a light novel series written by Aneko Yusagi. It was later adapted into a manga and subsequently into an anime series.

Are there any differences between the light novel, manga, and anime adaptations?

While the core storyline remains consistent across the different adaptations, there are some differences in the portrayal of certain events and character interactions. Additionally, the light novel and manga provide more in-depth insight into the thoughts and motivations of the characters.