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What is the English translation of "心累"?

The English translation of "心累" is "mentally exhausted" or "emotionally drained". It conveys the feeling of being mentally or emotionally tired, often as a result of stress or prolonged difficulties.

Can "心累" be translated as "weary in heart"?

Yes, "weary in heart" is another possible translation of "心累". It captures the emotional aspect of feeling tired and worn out, specifically in relation to one's inner feelings and state of mind.

Is there a single word in English that captures the exact meaning of "心累"?

There is no single word in English that perfectly encompasses the full meaning of "心累". However, "exhausted" or "drained" come close in conveying the sense of being mentally and emotionally worn out.

How can we use "mentally exhausted" in a sentence?

You can use "mentally exhausted" in a sentence like this: "After dealing with the constant pressure at work, I feel mentally exhausted and in need of a break."

What are some synonyms for "emotionally drained"?

Some synonyms for "emotionally drained" include "spiritually fatigued", "mentally spent", and "psychologically exhausted". They all convey a similar sense of being emotionally depleted and worn out.