




teamxbox.com 去年12月的报道

Capcom recently held a press event in San Francisco to offer up a fresh look at the latest installment in its hard-core survival-horror franchise, Resident Evil. From what we were shown, the title provides a lot of the thrills and chills that you’d expect, but there was also plenty of gameplay variety over what we’ve seen in previous RE releases.

As is normal for such high-profile games, Capcom limited what we were able to see of Resident Evil 5, though, to its credit, the publishing giant had plenty of displays and systems set up, so everyone could get some time playing it, as well as to see how others handled the situations into which we were all dumped.

The first thing I did was scope out a couple of people while they played co-op, not only to get familiar with the controls, but to better assess how it all flowed. This one section they were playing was tied to a timer, with the objective being to get from one side of a boat dock to the other in a couple of minutes’ time. Of course, there were myriad ghoulies fixated on trying to keep them from meeting their goals, with all forms of blades and bullet slingers—there’s no way it was just a scenario set up to see if the good guys could get across the map in the allotted time. But it was clear that the mission had multiple threats: If you don’t end up succumbing to the direct attacks of the horde, dawdling and allowing the timer to tick closer to zero…well, then you risk having the boat go boom all over you.

The whole thing had its creepy moments, as you’d figure, but there were also segments that felt quite daunting, as some of the enemies were extremely hard to drop—even though we were graced (for the sake of the demo session, at least) with unlimited ammo. It merely created a false sense of security, but also made it impossible for us to know how the final game’s “real” difficulty will measure as it metes out its death and destruction on the players. One thing’s for sure, you’re definitely going to be the tested throughout. You know that Capcom wouldn’t have it any other way.

I jumped in solo against another section, where I had to wind my way across the face of a mountain on a linear path clogged with zombies. I played as Chris, with AI assistance from the lovely Sheva. The journey was made nicer by her help—I didn’t need to keep track of my health, because when I got low, she’d bump me with some essential care…provided she had medical supplies to dole out. As you come upon pick-ups, you’re prompted to take them yourself or direct your teammate to snag it, which makes your partner a walking inventory dispensary. She put the AI in “aid,” without a doubt.

As tough as the bad guys are to dispatch permanently, another dynamic added to RE5 helped the cause immensely. Perhaps taking some cues from the fun of curb stomping in Gears of War, the RE5 designers will enable you to stomp a zombie—or would that make it a “ztomp”?—that is down on the ground. In the course of shooting down an enemy, it seems that you need to drop him a few times before he’s taken enough damage to evaporate, but if you can sidle up to him during one of the intervals when he’s prone and vulnerable, but not yet put away, a press on the X Button delivers a satisfying heel ztomp to take him out of the equation faster.

The trip took the two of us up a few ladders and dropping off a few platforms, and then suddenly it was calm. Yes, it was another case of “the calm before the storm” that RE veterans know so well. A cutscene was triggered, introducing us to a nasty beast—a gigantic creature with the face like a snub-nosed bat, with a body that’s almost worm-like. I say “almost” because it became hard to concentrate on this boss character’s appearance in the face of its relentless attacks. As much as I unloaded round after round of the unlimited ammo on the beast, it kept on coming, and as it got up next to me, it would deliver something like a tail whip to send me flying—with just a split second warning to hit the X Button to dodge the attack.

I kept filling the thing full of lead, then switched to canister after canister of incendiary love, with little effect on its well-being. That’s when I discovered its Achilles Heel—which, knowing how the boss characters in these kinds of games are designed, I should have been looking for. And I’m sure I would have figured it out earlier if I wasn’t so involved in a cycle of trying to increase the gap between good and evil, unloading whatever weapon of choice I pulled up and getting smacked around the dirt lot we were using as a gruesome boxing ring. Yes, that’s when I figured out that I needed to…well, I don’t want to ruin the discovery for you. Just know that, while it still took a while to actually put the monstrous beast to rest, Sheva and I were soon fleeing the area, undoubtedly off to our next confrontation.

While the March 13 release date is getting closer, there’s still a lot of time for gamers to prepare for—and anxiously anticipate—the game’s arrival and what it’ll offer across its whole gameplay. In the brief time we’ve spent with it, we can say that it looks to push the series with its first visit to the Xbox 360 in the right direction. And though there’s no set timeframe for it, trust that Capcom will give you a taste of it in the form of a demo released sometime before March 13, which we’re sure will be both satisfying and inadequate at the same time.

TeamXbox will bring you more on RE5 as we get details, media and other news. Stay tuned


朋友你好你 的生化危机5是中文版的吗?如果是 的生化危机5中文版,你要在启动游戏时,设置一下语言字幕才行。记住要点击运行游戏。 出现这个画面,不要着急进入,现在还是“英文”字幕。 鼠标点击左上面的“Language”,选择第一个“中文”。这回进入游戏以后,就是中文字幕了。 这两个都是运行游戏的点击开始游戏。因为我的电脑是“directX9”系统所以这个亮了。所以我点击第一个运行游戏。 ====================================================================如果不是 的生化危机5中文版,楼主需要打上中文补丁,还要开启语言字幕后,才是中文。楼上已经给了汉化补丁地址,安装补丁后。设置一下“中文”字幕,就行了。

标签: #生化危机5英文介绍#生化危机5游戏英文