




在仙剑奇侠传4浩瀚的江湖中,秘笈犹如散落于九霄 云外的珍宝,等待着有缘之士的探寻。这些秘笈记载着失传已久的 武学绝技,蕴含着无穷的奥秘,一旦习得,便可助武者武艺精进, 威力倍增。


昆仑虚乃琼华派圣地,玄门正宗,太乙玄门剑法更是其镇派绝 学。此剑法招式浩繁,变化多端,阴阳相济,刚柔并济,威力无穷。 若能习得此剑法,当可纵横江湖,所向披靡。

秘笈藏于昆仑虚藏书阁,需通过考验方可获得。考验包括心 性、悟性和剑术造诣。心性纯良、悟性超群、剑术高超者,方能获 此秘笈。


苗疆风情独特,毒蛊之术盛行。毒蛊秘术种类繁多,有练蛊 增功、蛊毒暗杀、以蛊御兽等,端的是神秘莫测,令人闻之胆寒。

秘笈散落于苗疆各地,需寻访隐士高人或深入毒瘴之地方可获 得。习得毒蛊秘术,可使武者在暗中杀人于无形,亦可操控蛊虫为 己所用,在险恶的江湖中立于不败之地。


蜀山派乃修仙大派,御剑术更是其独门绝技。御剑术分御器飞 行、御剑攻敌、御剑化形等,可使武者腾云驾雾,遨游四海,攻敌于 千里之外。若能习得御剑术,当可纵横天下,潇洒自在。

秘笈藏于蜀山派藏经阁,需通过试炼方可获得。试炼包括悟 性、剑术和飞行的考验。悟性极高、剑术精湛、飞行术熟练者,方能 获得此秘笈。


天师门为道教正宗,五雷天心诀乃其传承道法中的至高秘法。 此诀引动天地之威,掌控五雷之术,威慑群邪,降魔伏妖。若能习得 五雷天心诀,当可除魔卫道,震慑邪祟。

秘笈藏于天师府禁地,需通过考验方可获得。考验包括心志坚 定、法术修为和除魔能力。心志坚如磐石、法术修为高深、除魔功 勋卓著者,方能获得此秘笈。


隐龙窟乃偏远荒漠,传说藏有大妖龙王。龙王诀乃龙王留下的上 ancient martial arts techniques, containing endless mysteries,


Once mastered, these秘笈can greatly enhance a warrior's combat capabilities, allowing them to dominate the martial world and become invincible.

Kunlun Mountains: Taiyi Profound Gate Sword Technique

The Kunlun Mountains are the sacred land of the瓊華派, the orthodox sect of the Profound Gate. The Taiyi Profound Gate Sword Technique is the sect's鎮派絕學—its most prized martial art.

This technique boasts a vast array of moves, each with its own unique characteristics. It encompasses both yin and yang, as well as hardness and softness, making it an incredibly powerful and versatile martial art.

The 秘笈 can be found in the Kunlun Mountains'藏書閣—library. However, to obtain it, one must pass a series of tests that assess their character, comprehension, and swordsmanship.

苗疆: Poison Gu Techniques

苗疆 is a land with unique customs and traditions, where the art of poison gus thrives.

Poison Gu techniques are diverse, including methods for cultivating venomous gus, using gus to assassinate, and even controlling beasts with gus. These techniques are mysterious and deadly, striking fear into the hearts of many.

The秘笈are scattered throughout 苗疆. To obtain them, one must seek out隐士高人—hermits or venture deep into miasmal之地—lands.

Mastering poison gu techniques allows warriors to kill their enemies silently and with ease. They can also control gus to do their bidding, making them formidable opponents in the treacherous world of martial arts.

Mount Shu: Sword 御術—Flight Technique

Mount Shu is a prominent修仙大派—immortal cultivation sect, and the Sword御術—Flight Technique is its signature ability.

This technique allows practitioners to fly through the air on swords, making them highly mobile and capable of attacking their enemies from afar.

The秘笈is hidden in the藏經閣—library of Mount Shu. To obtain it, one must pass trials that test their comprehension, swordsmanship, and飛行術—flight skills.

Celestial Masters' Sect: Five Thunders Heavenly Heart Incantation

The Celestial Masters' Sect is an正宗—orthodox sect of Taoism. The Five Thunders Heavenly Heart Incantation is the most profound secret technique in their repertoire.

This incantation allows practitioners to harness the power of the heavens and control the forces of thunderstorms, making them formidable against demons and evil spirits.

The 秘笈 is located in the禁地—forbidden area of the Celestial Masters' Sect. To obtain it, one must pass tests that assess their determination, magical cultivation, and demon-slaying abilities.

Hidden Dragon Cave: Dragon King's Incantation

The Hidden Dragon Cave is a remote and desolate place in the desert, rumored to be the lair of a great demon dragon.

The Dragon King's Incantation is a secret technique left behind by the dragon king. It allows practitioners to control dragons and use their power for their own purposes.

The秘笈is hidden deep within the Hidden Dragon Cave, and to obtain it, one must navigate through a treacherous maze and overcome機關—traps.

Mastering the Dragon King's Incantation grants warriors the ability to command dragons, making them formidable forces on the battlefield.


The秘笈of 仙劍奇俠傳4 are scattered far and wide, waiting to be discovered by worthy warriors. By seeking out these秘笈and mastering their techniques, players can unlock the true potential of their characters and become legendary heroes.