


How to Pronounce Body in English


Do you sometimes struggle with pronouncing English words correctly? If so, you're not alone. English can be a tricky language, with many words that don't follow consistent pronunciation rules. One word that often trips people up is "body." Let's take a look at how to pronounce this word correctly.

Breaking It Down

The word "body" is made up of two syllables: "bod" and "y." The first syllable, "bod," is pronounced like the word "bod" in "bodily" or "bodacious." It rhymes with "rod" and "nod." The second syllable, "y," is pronounced like the letter "y" in the alphabet. It rhymes with words like "sky" and "try."

Putting It Together

When you put the two syllables together, "bod" and "y," you get "body." The stress in this word falls on the first syllable, "bod." This means that the first syllable is pronounced slightly louder and longer than the second syllable. It's important to remember this stress pattern when saying the word "body."

Practice Makes Perfect

Now that you know the correct pronunciation of "body," it's time to practice saying it. Repeat the word out loud several times, paying close attention to the stress on the first syllable. You can also try using the word in sentences to help reinforce the correct pronunciation. With enough practice, you'll feel more confident pronouncing "body" in any situation.


Pronouncing English words correctly can be a challenge, but with a little practice, you can improve your skills. By breaking down the word "body" into its individual syllables and understanding the stress pattern, you can master the correct pronunciation. So go ahead, give it a try and impress your friends with your newfound pronunciation skills!